Saturday, 15 August 2009

Teams dances have been underway for the past 30 minutes

When the morning section finished, about 1330, there were presentations that took until about 1445. Having photographed them, your rather slow live commentary team was trying to get the photos to John van Rijswijk so that people could buy high-quality printed copies on site. While doing that, I also tried to get the results translated from one electronic format into another to get them into the live commentary. It would have been faster if I had whistled them into a modem!!!

So, the 4 Hands are almost finished and then there are four 8 Hands, followed by a Figure Dance from Tir an Oir. That should all complete around 1545, followed by the age groups from 21 & over down to 15 years. That should complete some time around 1830, which will be followed by Senior Teams and finally a stepabout. The stepabout will be filmed and placed on YouTube tomorrow - after I drive back to Sydney late tonight.