Sunday 21 June 2009

The Winter Solstice is over for another year

The dancers are gone as are the adjudicators and the process of breaking down the stage equipment is underway.

We look forward to having you join us for another live commentary at the next NSW or ACT feis.

Results 16 years

1st Jessica Manuel Simpson ACT
2nd Laura Bittner Watkins QLD
3rd Jacqueline Blake Christine Ayres VIC
4th Sophie Parfitt Simpson ACT
5th Kieran Harvey McAleer VIC
6th Gabrielle Aitken Crocker QLD
7th Alicia Dunne Walton NSW
8th Julia Baar Aisling NSW
9th Natasha Forrester Rabusin VIC

16 years recall sets are finished

Wonderful dancing from all competitors, we now have the soft shoe recall and wait for the results to be calculated.

16 years - half way there!!

Still quite a few spectators in the hall from this afternoon's sections - the vendors have left, the canteen is shut but the audience is attentive. The adjudicators are very alert and watching the dancers as they travel across the stage, and Sean is still playing beautifully after all this time.
Familiar (if embarrassed) faces and some of the 16 years marshalling - and doing some upper body exercise?
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14 years soft shoe recall dancers

The 16 years recall sets have just started with #15
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More people without a mobile phone!

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14 years now doing their soft shoe stepabout

This will be followed by the 16 years recall sets - 9 dancers. Projected feis finishing time is about 7pm

16 years recall:

1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15 and 19

Results 14 years:

1st Connor Simpson Simpson ACT
2nd Marigold Cousens Aisling NSW
3rd Shauna Olsen Rabusin VIC
4th Rebekah Roma Aisling NSW
5th Kelsey Burns Simpson ACT
6th Mide O'Baoill Halloran NSW
7th Liam Aldred Aisling NSW
=8th Shannan White Mulcahy/Hayes VIC
=8th Chloe Skrlj Roberts Acad SA
10th Madelyn Blake Scoil Ard Rince QLD
11th Emma Reid Mulcahy/Hayes VIC
12th Erin Moore Carey NSW
13th Riordan Cuneo Aisling NSW
14th Jeremy Brooks Chase QLD
15th Roisin Rafferty Scoil Ard Rince QLD
16th Hannah King Scoil Ard Rince QLD

Results 13 years:

1st Shaun Cameron Maher NSW
2nd Holly Makin Aisling NSW
3rd Lauren Meredith Liz Gregory ACT
4th Joshua Taylor Dwy/Whelan NSW
5th Sean O'Gorman Walton NSW
6th Amy Von Gneisenau Scoil Ard Rince QLD
7th Sarah Wallace Christine AyresVIC
8th Eileen Wallace Wollongong A NSW
9th Ceridwen Radcliffe Liz Gregory ACT

16 years second round now completed!!

13 years and 14 years results NOW!!

Progress report

16 years have almost completed their second round and your faithful correspondent has been assisting the manual collation of marks - the good news is that the 13 years and 14 years are now completed, entered on the computer and ready for their presentations.

They are also on this computer and will be displayed after the presentations, even though I have them now - ah, the anticipation....

16 years

The stage has been swept, the 16 years are marshalling and dancing for the final section of the Winter Solstice.

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14 year soft shoe recall

16 years in the marshalling area now
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Technology crash!!!

Due to a technology glitch in the computer used for collating marks and producing the information used by the organisers, marks are now being collated and produced manually. That means that this blog will take a little longer to get them to you...stay tuned as the 14 years soft shoe recall is almost completed...

14 years sets are complete, soft shoe recall is starting

The feis is starting to wind down - the 14 years have almost completed their recall sets and the Aisling helpers are beginning to relax. Only one age group left and not much likelihood of a rush of paying customers at the door.

On the other hand, there is still time to phone a friend here at the feis to get some raffle tickets and the chance to win a fabulous prize!

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14 years soft shoe recalls

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14 year sets

They are being danced in the same order in which they danced in the first two rounds, so if you have a program to which you can refer, you will know how far along they are. The dancer on stage is #18.

14 year sets have started with #14

14 year recalls are:

2, 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 30, 35 and 36 - starting at #14 after the 13 years soft shoe recall dance

Final 13 year recall set dance now being danced

Competitor #15 is dancing, which will be followed by the 13 year soft shoe recall.

Have all of you lost your phones?

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The things you see at a Feis!!!

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13 year sets have started with #17

14 years second round is now completed, they are marshaling the 13 year recall sets and giving the stage a thorough clean. They have been sweeping the stage between each age group and sometimes between first and second rounds - not a diamante or feather in sight on the floor!!!

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Almost there for the 14 years

The 13 year recall sets are now marshalling.

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Feis scenes

Only about fourteen more 14 years left for their second round

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Some 14 years after their second round

About 12 have danced, so we are almost a third of the way through. That means that the 13 year recall set should start in about30 minutes.

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Last of the 14 years after their first round

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