Sunday 26 June 2011

Results - 17 Years & Over

17 Years
1 Anne-Louise Bennett, Aisling
2 Monique Hearn, Aisling

18 Years & Over
1 Elena Barret-Hough, Creer-Harvey
2 Xander Cross, Halloran
3 Erin Wagner, Carroll
4 Ondine Kennard-King, Higgins
5 Jenny Croft, Maher

And that's all for the Hills Feis for 2011

Dancing has finished and the presentations are about to get underway...results as soon as they come to hand.

The last section for the day, comprising three dancers, has been called to marshalling

Only five more set dances until presentations, and the last three are traditional sets....

Only a few more sets to go......

Presentations are in the air.....and so is going home time :)

Photos from today's feis will be available on some time after 2200.

Feis update

And with the new Adjudicator in place, the feis is resuming at the last sections, the 17 Years and over set dances (after a few slip jigs)...

Results - 13 & 14 Years

13 Years
1 Madeline Byrne, Creer-Harvey
2 Sarah Robinson, Aisling
3 Stephanie Wu, Creer-Harvey
HC Madeleine Yeaman, Creer-Harvey
HC Kyra Webb, Wollongong

14 Years
1 Zoe Thornthwaite, Creer-Harvey
2 Emily McCredie, Aisling
3 Lauren Stals, Liz Gregory
4 Erin O'Callaghan, Carey
HC Shannon Browne, Halloran
HC Jennifer Murray, Halloran
HC Hayley Unsworth, Higgins

Change of Adjudicator

Vicki Lynagh had to leave to make her flight, so the remainder of the feis will be adjudicated by Donna Reilly.

Feis update

Once the 17 Years & over have finished their soft shoe round (about now), presentations for the 13 & 14 Years will take place.

Then more dancing (all sets), then more presentations....

17 & over are on stage for their soft shoe round

Presentations for 14 Years Open ONLY

17 Years & Over will commence after this short presentation, then all sections will have presentations at the end.

17 Years & Over sections have been called to marshalling

Also, the 14 Years Open dancers have been called, perhaps they will do their presentations first?  More news as it comes to hand.....

Feis update

One more dancer in the 13 Years sets, then the 14 Years will dance, then.... straight on to the 17 Years & Over!

News flash!!!

There will be no presentations after the 13 & 14 Years have finished their set dances.  The 17 Years and over will commence immediately and that should allow the adjudicator enough time to complete her duties before rushing to meet her flight home.

ChaosCentral will be with you to the end to ensure that all the excitement and drama - and food updates - get out to our dear readers :)

13 & 14 Years now dancing their sets

The hall is eerily quiet.....apart from the gentle tapping of feet on the stage :)

Results - 15 & 16 Years

15 Years
1 Shaun Cameron, Maher
2 Caitlin Devine, Maher
3 Hannah Hayes, Aisling
4 Joshua Taylor, Dwyer-Whelan
5 Chelsea Rafter, Aisling

16 Years
1 Nicole Robinson, Aisling
2 Emily Brough, Carey
3 Rachel Shanks, Simpson
4 Ellen O'Neil, Creer-Harvey
5 Alexandra Lemon, Higgins

13 & 14 Years now dancing their soft shoe round

Feis update

We are approaching the home stretch - by that, I mean we can see it off in the distance....

This age group has just started and there is another, the seniors, to go....and the adjudicator must leave for a flight back there may need to be some creative options exercised to ensure that she can make the plane on time.

The hall has emptied even more so that it is only about one third full - the heaters will need to go on soon as the exertion of the dancers alone is not enough to warm the environment!

13 & 14 Years now dancing their hard shoe round

Results for last sections soon....

Last 16 years dancers have just finished

So its on to the presentations :)

15 Years & 16 Years are doing their set dances

ChaosCentral was a little distracted, so this information is about 10 minutes old :(  The 15 Years are about half way through....

Feis update

The hall has emptied considerably and it is noticeable how much quieter it is too.  Still, as night closes in, the temperature will drop and the adjudicator will return to wearing two coats...there being no heating close by for her :(

The feis is about one hour behind, but people are in a good mood and enjoying the dancing.  The canteen has a wide range of hot and cold food and are keeping people well supplied - Irish Dancing travels well when wel fed :)

The senior age groups are beginning to arrive - they may be waiting for a little while yet!

15 Years & 16 Years are doing their soft shoe round

Results - 11 & 12 Years

11 Years
1 Matthew Lambert, Carroll
2 Oisin Braddock-Hanratty, Walton
3isabelle Shelley, Halloran
4 Tanya Ojala, Knox
5 Annie Devine, Maher

12 Years
1 Loren Blundell, Creer-Harvey
2 Jonty Moore, Aisling
3 Maggie Devine, Maher
4 Sinead Podesta, Maher
=5 Rhiannin Gilvarry,
=5 Caitlin Pellizzon, Maher
HC Emmah McKeown, Creer-Harvey

15 & 16 Years are now on stage for their hard shoe round

11 & 12 Years set dances are almost finished, presentations to follow soon

We are running about 1 hour late....almost on-time by ID standards :)

Technology update

The technology failure last week was traced to a dying video camera...using secrets of the dark arts, ChaosCentral managed to get the device working, but how long it will last is anyone's guess.

So, as some of you may have noticed, a "donate" button has appeared on all pages.  Should readers feel inclined, a donation of a few cents will go towards the purchase of some new/additional equipment to supplement the dying technology currently in use.  The button has been on the site for about 1 week and ChaosCentral has received one donation, so at least we know it works!

11 & 12 Years are now on stage for their set dances

11 & 12 Years are now on stage for their soft shoe round

Results - 9 & 10 Years

9 & 10 Years Primary/Elementary
1 Leanne Rodd, The Edge
2 Anna Duncan, Liz Gregory
HC Annika Woodham, Halloran
HC Bella Lawler, Fenagh

9 Years Open
1 Will Limbrey, Carroll
2 Kyra Atheron, Fenagh
3 Elliot Sutton, Aisling
HC Madeline Osbon, Fenagh

10 Years Open
1 Isabella Mosser, Aisling
2 Chelsea Moutia, Halloran
3 Niamh Mack, Carey
=4 Ashleigh Rollason, Creer-Harvey
=4 Jade Abbey, Carey
5 Gabrielle Irving, Creer-Harvey
6 Sian Hamilton, Creer-Harvey
HC Nathan Ball, Carey

And yes, ChaosCentral realises that the positions in the last section are unusual, with =4 followed by 5th, but that is the way they were announced and recorded :)

9 & 10 Years sets have finished, presentations now on!

Another dancer just slipped on stage

Almost the same place as the earlier dancer, they have walked form the stage and appear to be OK...

About another 13 dancers to go in the 10 Years set dances

Still a full hall, but much more quiet than this morning :)

9 & 10 Years are doing their Set Dances

Presentations will follow.....

Dancer update

A portion of the stage where the dancer slipped has been repaired and taped over, the dancer has returned to the stage with others and has completed the dance without further incident.

A dancer has slipped on the stage

They are being helped off and although upset, seem to be OK...

Feis update

The hall is now lovely and warm and ChosCentral can report that the canteen is providing fantastic food - we can recommend the sausage sandwiches with onion and BBQ sauce.

The feis is running about 45 minutes late, so be prepared for a late finish tonight - a possible reason for the lateness is the amazingly large number of young beginners.  This is a good thing as that means a possible increase in dancing numbers again....

Results - 6, 7 & 8 Years

6 & 7 Years Primary/Elementary
1 Erin Browne, Halloran
2 Niamh Darcy, Aisling
3 Nina Ball, Carey
4 Olivia Byrne, Creer-Harvey
5 Sophie Rollason, Creer-Harvey

7 & 8 Years Open
1 Allie Russell, Fenagh
2 Liam Fitzgerald, Halloran
3 Natasha Ross, Aisling
4 Olivia Kennedy, Halloran
HC Erin Stinten, Maher
HC Kelin Gilvary

An update for a father in Ireland....

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9 & 10 Years are now dancing....

And ChaosCentral will provide results for this morning's sections, as soon as they come to hand....

Happy dancers!

The 4, 5,6 & 8 Years dancers are still dancing, but almost not long until presentations!
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The 4, 5, 6 and 8 Years Beginners & Primary sections are now in marshalling

8 Years are now doing their set dances

8 Years are now doing their soft shoe round

And more sections are being called to marshalling.....

It must be warning up!

The adjudicator has removed one of her coast and is now only wearing one coat over possible several layers.  Temperature must have reached double digits in the hall :)

7 Years & Under set dances are progressing

And now the 8 Years have been called to marshalling.

Coffee has arrived to accompany the chocolate crackles, the hall is still quite chilly but the atmosphere is fantastic.  There is a real buzz in the hall, so much so that the adjudicator is constantly ringing the bell asking for quiet!  I'm sure that later in the day, when the older sections are in, it will be as quiet as a grave as so few people will be around to watch....

Dancing is underway...

The 7 Years & Under age groups are now on stage and, after a slightly shaky start with the sound system, the feis is going full steam ahead.

Gerry Ellaby and Liz Deans are both here with a wide range of Irish Dancing items, and the Creer-Harvey School is running a canteen comprising some very interesting cakes and other comestibles :)

The Weeks Family have kindly provided much needed sustenance int he form of Chocolate Crackles - beautifully presented in a gift bag too - thanks!!

Welcome to the Hills Feis

A beautiful Sunday morning in the northern-most extent of the Hills District, and only a short ten minute drive from ChaosCentral's HQ.  We are, again, at the Hornsby RSL Memorial Hall in Hornsby, the sun is shining but ineffective at the should warm up later.

The program for today is as follows:

0830 7 Years All grades and 6 years - Elementary / Inter / Open
0930 8 years Elementary / Inter / Open
0945 4 & 5 years all grades, 6 years & 8 years Beginner & Primary sections
1045 Prizes 8 years & under

1115 9&10 years - All grades
1300 Prizes 9 & 10 years

1330 11 & 12 years All Grades
1445 Prizes 11 & 12 years

1515 15 & 16 years - All grades
1630 Prizes 15 & 16 years

1645 13 & 14 years - all grades
1800 Prizes 13 & 14 years

1830 17 years & over
1930 Prizes 17 years & over

The adjudicator is Vicki Lynagh ADCRG (QLD)

Musician is Apple iPod...

Sunday 19 June 2011

And that's all from the INDA

Great feis, great time had by all, and we hope have LiveCam working very soon....look for the new "Donate" button on and, if you feel like donating something, be assured it will go into new/better/more equipment for LiveCam and LiveCommentary!

Results - 15 Years & Over

15 Years Intermediate / Open Premiership
1 247 Joshua Taylor Dwyer-Whelan
2 257 Eileen Wallace Wollongong
3 62 Caitlin Devine Maher
4 81 Tara Fitzgerald Halloran
5 187 Sean O'Gorman Walton
6 29 Shaun Cameron Maher
7 278 Hayley Morris Halloran
8 87 Tamara Flynn Maher
AA 112 Vanessa Hild Creer-Harvey
AA 64 Bridget Diggins Dwyer-Whelan
AA 207 Aislinn Podesta Maher
AA 157 Rohan Mason Wollongong
AA 225 Aisling Rudge McMahon
16 Years Intermediate / Open Premiership
1 277 Jasmin Morata Halloran
2 23 William Bryant Halloran
3 174 Jordan Molloy Walton
4 46 Carly Chittendon Carey
5 216 Nicole Robinson Aisling
AA 9 Melinda Bearman Walton
AA 40 Jas Carruthers Maher
AA 11 Jacob Bilotta Halloran
17 & 18 Years Intermediate / Open Premiership
1 167 Stewart McWhinnie Dwyer-Whelan
2 109 Jeremy Heggie Walton
3 145 Amy Longstone Carey
4 134 Rachael Larnach Maher
5 182 Caitlin O'Connor Dwyer-Whelan
AA 108 Monique Hearn Aisling
AA 186 Aslene O'Gorman Walton
AA 58 Tammi Curtis Walton
AA 272 Emma Woodbury Carroll
19 Years and Over Intermediate / Open Premiership
1 85 Siobhan Fitzpatrick Aisling
2 21 Alicia Bryant Halloran
3 28 Moira Callanan Walton
3 133 Asher Larnach Maher
5 268 Siobhan White Wollongong
6 188 Kathleen O'Kane Carey
7 79 Eleanor Finneran Halloran
8 60 Jessica Denford Carey
AA 259 Lauren Ward Carroll
AA 83 Emma Fitzpatrick Reilly
AA 127 Ondine Kennard-King Higgins
AA 90 Elise Furlong Maher
AA 203 Signe Peitersen McMahon
AA 113 Sarah Hockley McMahon

Dancing is over!!!!

Presentations will be on in moments, then we all get to go home :)

Photos will be available on some time after 2100.

19 & Overs set dances about to start!!!!

Only 15 more sets until presentations......

16 Years sets have finished

Now on to the 17 and 18 Years sets....

The canteen has closed and pople are wandering the halls looking for food - pizza has been spotted but no sightings of hamburgers - yet!

The hall is becoming cooler as the front doors are left open as people wander in and out, allowing easy ingress of the cold wind.....lovely :(

15 Years sets now finished

Onwards into the 16 Years sets :)

And that brings to a close the soft shoe rounds

We will now enjoy 48 set dances.........

ChaosCentral now needs to revise the feis closing time upwards towards 1900.....even later if presentations are taken into account...

Soft shoe sections are progressing....then the sets

We are on time, but likely to finish around 1800 or so....the hall is now not only quiet, but also becoming cooler.  Time to break out the warm soup!

19 Years and over are now on stage

Quite a good sized age group and the most senior of the dancers in NSW.  Pity their aren't more people around to watch and appreciate their skill.

17 & 18 Years hard shoe round is underway

The hall has emptied somewhat, it is now quieter as the older age groups are the only ones left.

Gourmet food update
Plenty of great food lef tin the canteen and the raffle - WOW - what great prizes.  It is almost worth the trip out just to be in with a chance to win.

15 & Over are now on stage doing their hard shoe dances

Results - 13 & 14 Years

13 & 14 Years Beginner / PrimaryPremiership
1 180 Ariana Norton Halloran
2 159 Caoimhe McEnally Dwyer-Whelan
3 175 Jessica Morcom Sr Ni Piobaire
4 239 Madaline Stevenson Currie-Henderson
13, 14 & 15 Years Elementary Premiership
1 253 Siobhan Vanooi Dwyer-Whelan
2 53 Ashley Cottell Wollongong
3 263 Kyra Webb Wollongong
4 213 Mandy Reeley Sr Ni Piobaire
5 185 Renee O'Connor Halloran
6 236 Miranda Smith McMahon
7 78 Roisin Finnegan Currie-Henderson
8 231 Holly Seldon Walton
13 Years Intermediate / Open Premiership
1 57 Jenica Curtis Halloran
2 217 Sarah Robinson Aisling
3 68 Briana Dragisic Walton
4 98 Siobhan Hamilton Maher
5 191 Rosie O'Neill Carey
6 65 Caitlins Diggins Dwyer-Whelan
7 26 Madeline Byrne Creer-Harvey
8 92 Amy Garrill Knox
9 274 Madeleine Yeaman Creer-Harvey
10 149 Maria Lynch Carey
11 99 Bethany Hammond Carroll
12 17 Mollie Brennan Walton
14 Years Intermediate / Open Premiership
1 184 Natalie O'Connor Dwyer-Whelan
2 229 Nessa Salvador Halloran
3 158 Elyse McDonogh Creer-Harvey
4 237 Nicole Spinks Halloran
5 181 Erin O'Callaghan Carey
6 74 Isobel Featherston Creer-Harvey
6 249 Zoe Thornthwaite Creer-Harvey
8 114 Lauren Hurst Fenagh
9 248 Hannah Thomas Walton
9 122 Jack Kearney Currie-Henderson
11 269 Cara Wiggins Aisling
12 20 Shannon Browne Halloran
13 89 Sarah Fuller Walton
14 179 Jennifer Murray Halloran
15 250 Corrine Tucker Carey

14 Years set dances almost finished - results soon

13 Years set dances finished, 14 Years are next

The stage is getting a good sweep and we are ready to go.  The 15 Years and over age groups are filling the hall now so the noise level is approaching that of the 3/4 years dancers :)

14 Years just finished their hard shoe round

The 13 Years dancers are dancing their hard shoe round

They are dancing three at a time....and in the rugby practice area (see photos from yesterday on, we have moved to amateur wrestling practice.

The 13 Years have now been called back to marshalling for their soft shoe round.

13 & 14 Years are now on stage

Starting with the Beginners and Primary and then moving through to the Intermediate/Open.  The hall is much quieter now so if one was to make a connection between the volume and the age groups, it seems that the youngest age groups with the newest parents are the ones making the most noise - probably the excitement!!!

Feis update

Lunch is on and ChaosCentral can personally recommend the sausage in a roll with onions - followed by chocolate crackles for desert.

The 13 and 14 Years dancers are readying themselves, much quieter than the younger age groups but still excited!

Results - 3, 4, 5 & 6 Years

6 Years and Under Elementary Premiership
1 76 Caitlin Finnegan Reilly
2 105 Eloise Hawse Creer-Harvey
5 Years Beginner Premiership
1 220 Jaeda Ross Wollongong
2 70 Maggie-Rose Dunlop McMahon
3 37 Roisin Carey Dwyer-Whelan
3 275 Ryan Yeates Halloran
5 121 Bridget Kearney Currie-Henderson
AA 30 Niamh Canning Maher
AA 143 Emelia Lonergan Walton
AA 276 Saoirse Zabakly Dwyer-Whelan
AA 162 Niamh McMahon Reilly
6 Years Beginner Premiership
1 194 Maddison Paine Halloran
2 24 Anna Burke Reilly
3 262 Jack Wardini Halloran
4 71 Chloe Dyde Halloran
5 201 Erika Pearl Halloran
6 59 Briana D'Agostino Halloran
6 3 Natasha Bakopoulos Knox
8 163 Tilli McMahon Dwyer-Whelan
AA 36 Jack Carey Carey
AA 255 Hannah Wainwright Wollongong
AA 56 Amelia Crilly Wollongong
AA 251 Lily Tutt Carey
AA 31 Declan Cannon Reilly
AA 67 Kateryna Doyle Dwyer-Whelan
AA 189 Brede O'Keefe Carey
4 Years and Under Babies Premiership
1 102 Caitlin Hanratty Derwent
2 202 Rebekah Pearl Halloran
2 221 Malea Ross Wollongong
4 69 Bridgette Dunlop McMahon
5 35 Ellie Carey Carey
6 138 Ella Liang Halloran
3 & 4 Years Beginner Premiership
1 34 Ciara-Leigh Carey Carey
2 270 Brianna Woelms Walton
3 33 Aislinn Carey Carey
3 73 Lara Elliott Creer-Harvey
3 150 Rose Lynch Carey
5 & 6 Years PrimaryPremiership
1 125 Jessica Kelly Walton
2 219 Briana Ross McMahon
3 206 Danah Pham Halloran
4 223 Amoretta Rourke McMahon
4 126 Lily Kenna Fenagh

The very little dancers are progressing nicely

3, 4, 5 and 6 Years dancers are dancing up a storm in their sections....ChaosCentral is not even certain they had coordination to walk properly at 3 Years.....let alone dance!  What a wonderful achievement it is for these young dancers to be on stage in front of such an appreciative crowd.

Message from the feis!

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7 Years Elementary Premiership
1 43 Isobel Chambers Aisling
2 173 Natalie Miralles Walton
3 48 Jazmin Cleary Halloran
4 97 Michelle Hamilton Creer-Harvey
5 27 Olivia Byrne Creer-Harvey
AA 72 Jordyn Elliott Creer-Harvey
AA 5 Nina Ball Carey
AA 19 Erin Browne Halloran
8 Years Elementary Premiership
1 178 Jamie Munro Halloran
2 144 Natahni Lonergan Walton
2 264 Kaitlin Weeks Sr Ni Piobaire
4 210 Genevieve Price Curie-Henderson
5 111 Georgia Herbert Wollongong
AA 169 Shannyn Merchant Wollongong
AA 41 Andy Carter Carey
AA 200 LucaPearce Dwyer-Halloran
7 & 8 Years Beginner Premiership
1 115 Agnes Jee Aisling
1 195 Sienna Pallone Halloran
3 139 Phoebe Liang Halloran
4 116 Georgia Jeloric Currie-Henderson
5 82 Ella Fitzmaurice Reilly
AA 1 Kasey Arrand Knox
AA 256 Fergus Wall Dwyer-Whelan
AA 212 Gabrielle Rainey Dwyer-Whelan
 7 & 8 Years Primary Premiership
1 135 Bronte Lawler Fenagh
2 7 Jemima Barwick McMahon
3 75 Leah Fewtrell Dwyer-Whelan
3 166 Liam McWeney Walton
5 95 Tarleigh Grieff Wollongong
5 123 Bianca Keating Dwyer-Whelan
AA 154 Olivia Maljevac Dwyer-Whelan
AA 168 Alannah Merchant Wollongong
AA 51 Ethan Costello Creer-Harvey
7 Years and Under Intermediate / Open Premiership
1 227 Imogen Ryan Fenagh
2 124 Ashleigh Kelly Walton
3 80 Liam Fitzgerald Halloran
4 103 Rose Hanratty Halloran
5 226 Ailie Russell Fenagh
5 218 Emma-Kate Roma Halloran
AA 245 Connie Sutton Aisling
AA 241 Erin Stinten Maher
AA 271 Trinity Woelms Walton
8 Years Intermediate / Open Premiership
1 93 Kahli Gilchrist Fenagh
2 266 Mikayla White Halloran
3 52 Liam Costelo Creer-Harvey
3 214 Grace Reid Halloran
5 107 Roisin Hayes Halloran
6 77 Noirin Finnegan Reilly
AA 151 Teresa Lynch Carey
AA 152 Veronica Lynch Carey
AA 222 Natasha Ross Aisling

Feis update

The 7 & 8 years results and presentations have finished.  The results will be posted soon, we are just awaiting an electronic copy of them......

The 6 Years & Under are now on stage, they are soooooooo little that they can hardly be heard.  This has come to the attention of the adjudicator who is constantly ringing the bell attempting to get quiet in the hall. This is made more difficult because a) people are moving in and out as the sections change over and b) the hall has excellent acoustics so people just moving in their seats makes a lot of noise.  The hall is very, very full!

Feis update

ChaosCentral arrived rather late today and therefore has, like the Red Queen, been running as quickly as possible just to stay put.

The 7 & 8 Years sections are now up to their set dances and within about 30 minutes, we should arrive at presentations for these groups.

Sunday dancing programme, trophies and competitors

0845 7,8 yrs.......All Grades
1030 4,5,6yrs......All Grades
1230 13,14yrs......All Grades
1230 15yrs.........Elementary
1500 15 & over.....Intermediate, Open

In the 7 Years & Under Intermediate/Open Premiership, ten dancers are competing for the Philip Reilly Memorial Trophy.

In the 8 Years Intermediate/Open Premiership, nine dancers are competing for the INDA Teachers Trophy.

In the 13 Years Intermediate/Open Premiership, 13 dancers are competing for the Annie McNamara Memorial Trophy.

In the 14 Years Intermediate/Open Premiership, 18 dancers are competing for the Conway Cup.

In the 15 Years Intermediate/Open Premiership, 13 dancers are competing for the M McEwen Memorial Trophy.

In the 16 Years Intermediate/Open Premiership, ten dancers are competing for the S White & G Williams Trophy.

In the 17/18 Years Intermediate/Open Premiership, ten dancers are competing for the Bernard Sheary Trophy.

In the 19 Years & Over Intermediate/Open Premiership, 15 dancers are competing for the Molly McCabe Trophy.