Sunday, 10 March 2013

Results - 16 Years

1st Natalie O'Connor Dwyer Whelan
2nd Lauren Hurst Fenagh
3rd Alanna Chaumont Walton
4th Nessa Salvador Halloran
5th Erin O'Callaghan Carey
6th Alex  Broome Ni Piobaire
AA Hayley Unsworth Higgins
AA Samantha Whatman Gra na Rince
AA Hannah Thomas Walton
AA Tara Somerville Gra na Rince

Results - 15 Years

1st Sarah Robinson Moore
=2nd Siobhan Hamilton Maher
=2nd Chloe Van Dyke Dwyer Whelan
4th Ashley Cottell Wollongong
5th Jessica Morcom Ni Piobaire

The feis is over!

The last competition dancers have left the stage, and all that remains is for the presentations to take place.

Following that, ChaosCentral will wend its way home and process the photos of the dancing, hoping to have them available on some time before 2030.

And a big vote of thanks goes to Karen Heggie, who provided us with the results on USB rather than having us rely on typing them in manually - thanks Karen (and Jeremy too)!!

16 Years about to dance their soft shoe round

Not long to presentations... :)

Feis update

As the dancing draws to a finish, with the last of the hard shoe dancers on stage, it only remains for the lively soft shoe round to entertain us before we move on to results.

The hall is emptying, the canteen has sold out of their food, and the vendors are packing away their goods until some time in late April.  It seems so long until the next feis, but by then our World Championship representatives will be back hoe with tales of travel and dance.

Presentations should start within 15 minutes or so, tune in on LiveCam :)

Last graded sections called to marshalling

After that, the Premiership dancers will be on stage and then presentations.  The feis will finish early, a triumph of programming, organising and operation :)

Out and about at the feis...

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15 & 16 Years called to marshalling

The process of getting ready

And wig selection….
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Feis update

We are running early!!  So, the final section of the day has been told to get ready now, the section will start 30 minutes early.

Results - 6 Years & Under

1st Madison O’Brien Halloran
2nd Ciara-Leigh Carey Carey
3rd Aislinn Carey Carey
4th Malea Ross Wollongong
5th Harriet Hogben Coamhanagh

6 Years & Under presentations now on!

About to start soft shoe round

Which will be followed by presentations....we are slightly ahead of time!!

Premiership dancers have been called to marshalling

Lots of tiny feet running towards the marshalling area, all eager to perform :)

And now the future of Irish Dancing is on stage...

3, 4, 5 & 6 year olds are now dancing and as the announcer noted, some have only been walking for 18 months!!

There are good numbers in these sections, lets hope that watching the older dancers was an inspiration to them.  Also great to see lots of fathers here enjoying the dancing.

More feis scenes...

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Results - 20 Years & Over

=1st Jessica Manuel Simpson ACT
=1st Natasia Petracic Halloran
3rd Alicia Bryant Halloran
=4th Julia Baar Halloran
=4th Marie  Sweeney Maher
6th Alyssa Flynn Maher
7th Tamara  Hanna Derwent
AA Elena Barrett-Hough Creer
AA Jenny  Croft Maher
AA Kate` Giles Carroll
AA Adrian Sutton Ni Piobaire
AA Jacquelyne Broome Ni Piobaire

Results - 19 Years

=1st Gianna Petracic Halloran
=1st Zoe Thompson Simpson ACT
=3rd Rachel Larnach Maher
=3rd Anne Louise Bennett Moore

Results - 18 Years

1st William Bryant Halloran
=2nd Nicole Robinson Moore
=2nd Marigold Cousens Dwyer Whelan
4th Jessica Carruthers Maher

Results - 17 Years

1st Shaun  Cameron Maher
2nd Caitlin Devine Maher
3rd Tamara  Flynn Maher
4th Morgan Crammond Halloran
5th Thomas  Hughes Maher
6th Hannah  Hayes Ni Piobaire
7th Tara Fitzgerald Halloran
8th Aislinn  Podesta Maher
9th Brandon  Sutton Ni Piobaire
AA Angelica Kross Derwent
AA Rohan Mason Wollongong

And now......17 Years & Over presentations!

Feis scenes, presentations very soon!

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