Friday, 21 August 2015


AIDA (Qld) is honoured to announce a new Championship event in the memory of one of Queensland’s valued Irish dance supporters, Annette Oxenham.

The Annette Oxenham Memorial Trophy is dedicated in Annette’s memory as she was a tireless worker for AIDA for many years.

The very proud mother of Catherine-Ann Oxenham TCRG and Jennifer-Louise Devlin TCRG & loving grandmother to Jessica-Kate, Olivia Charlotte and Jack, Annette followed her daughters’ dancing careers with love and passion and was always at every Feis.

This enthusiasm led to Annette becoming heavily involved in fundraising for AIDA (Qld) and she was not only a willing volunteer helper at competitions, but ran the AIDA (Qld) canteen for many years as well.

She was also instrumental in raising much-needed funds to stage the first National Championships in Queensland. Annette & husband Kevin readily gave up their time to help out at many events & with many projects and we are certain they never really got the coconut from all the lamington drives out of their Newmarket home!

Sadly, Annette passed away suddenly a few years ago and AIDA (Qld) lost one of its greatest supporters. AIDA (Qld) hopes to keep her passion and determined work forever in our hearts & memories through this perpetual trophy section at Queensland State Championships