Sunday 23 August 2015

Feis update

Well, there have been lots of teams....on stage, in the corridors, running through the venue like creeper vines in a jungle; as far as the eye can see, the eye can see teams.

And teams music...sometimes on iDevice, often from our fantastic musician, Sean O'Brien; but mostly the same pieces.

Although the auditorium is not so full, the remainder of the public areas are awash with...teams.  But not so many Senior Teams - yet.  Perhaps they are visiting the Nimbin-sur-mer street stalls.  Earlier this morning, whilst on the hunt for a latte, ChaosCentral spotted the rather interesting juxtaposition of Nimbin-sur-mer and Irish Dancers in wigs and make-up; the contrast drew more than a few looks from passers-by.

But in feis-related matters, we are drawing towards presentations and those of you listening/watching LiveCam will have a more succinct and up-to-date idea of where we are in the competition :)