Friday 22 August 2014

Welcome to Friday at the NSW State Irish Dancing Championships

A belated welcome as ChaosCentral has been battling not only technical gremlins with the projector (not yet working), but also someone fraudulently attempting to access our bank account!

However, it is a nice day outside, although subject to change and it may become windy and wet as the day progresses.  In the Hurstville Entertainment Centre, all is comfortable and warm and, those watching LiveCam will have noticed that the dancing is underway and we are being treated to a spectacular display.

On matters more important, here are the people everyone has come to impress :)


  • Carole Scanlon ADCRG (England) 
  • Michael Donnellan ADCRG (Ireland) 
  • Vicki Paulin ADCRG (Melbourne)

Sean O’Brien (Canada)

Patron of the Australian Irish Dancing Association Inc.: Mrs Janice Currie-Henderson SDCRG