Sunday, 23 June 2013

Gourmet food update

In a just-announced development certain to bring a tear to the eyes of all fine food aficionados, Miss Bernadette's Fine Food Feisty Cafe and Salon de Dance is shutting shop in about 30 minutes; not the Salon de Dance part though!

So now is your last chance to jump into the car and motor to Petersham at high but legal speed, to pick up a supply of home made goodies.  Not only will they be good eating for you, but it will also save Miss Bernadette from having to eat the leftovers for the next two weeks.  Or force dancers to eat them until their dancing improves.  Or something like that.

In feis related news, the hard shoe round has finished and a search party has been sent out for the 15 Years doing their soft shoe round, as there are none to be seen in marshalling.

Hooray - an early mark, we can all go home as there are no dancers.  Hang on, they have arrived....