Sunday 24 July 2011

Next team section is....

6 or 8 hand Commission Book Under 9 Years and there are two teams entered.  The audience in the hall has swelled with the teams dancing, and they are very attentive and appreciative, and possibly a little cool.

Gourmet food update
This morning, ChaosCentral was supplied with a couple of traditional chocolate crackles (photos can be found earlier) but with Jelly Babies (local name unknown) embedded.  Another taste sensation, and has started ChaosCentral thinking that there may be a chocolate crackle internecine war brewing...

Also on offer at the canteen was a home made kumera and sweet corn soup, a local delicacy and not well replicated in Australia.

Feis update
There is a small break in the dancing to allow the dancers to get themselves organised, the feis will resume with the 6 or 8 Hand Commission Book 9 & Under 13 Years in which two teams are competing.