The hall is now quite empty compared to earlier. With only the more senior age groups dancing, the large crowds of the morning have dissipated and only the hard-core families and friends are left. Still, this is some of the best dancing that can be seen in NSW, so the audience is being treated to a tour-de-force by the dancers on stage.
Gourmet food update
Very little to report here....the canteen within the centre does a sterling job at cold drinks, sweets, chips and the like, but over the road is where the real gourmet action is to be found; although I didn't see anyone with chocolate crackles. In breaking news, ChaosCentral has heard that chocolate crackles are being made - even as we speak - by a Simpson dancer in the ACT. Perhaps they are preparing a horde for ChaosCentral's visit next week for the Feile Tir an Oir?