Saturday, 29 September 2012

The competition is having a snooze...

Having scanned the horizon, ChaosCentral has noted that, in addition to there being no music, there are also no adjudicators.  There is possibly a link between these two, something reinforced by the fact there are no dancers to be seen either.

The are now people huddled in groups around the auditorium, already showing the signs of feis withdrawal syndrome.  This is, of course, commonly cured by either music and dancing, or chocolate crackles; the lack of the latter has been identified so the resumption of the former is the only likely solution.

Emergency Feis Response Teams are circulating around the groups, each team comprising a dancer and an iPod holder, the iPod playing the music aloud so that the groups can hear it and get their music and dancing fix.  It is a sad sight....

Of course, it could all just be a figment of the deranged imagination of ChaosCentral....