Sunday 17 June 2012

On a more personal feis note...

Some readers may be aware that ChaosCentral's daughter is an irish dancer, clearly skills inherited from her mother and grand-fathers.  She will/may compete today...

15 minutes ago arrives at ChaosCentral announcing that her hard-shoe strap has broken - apparently this is fatal to dancing, as taping the shoe to the foot wasn't good enough.  I offered a nail-gun if one could be found - apparently another sub-optimal solution.

Several QLD teachers have offered to help with alternate solutions, including borrowing other dancers' shoes, but the daughter decided to persevere.

Two minutes ago returns to ChaosCentral and we hope this is a triumph - no, she has snapped the other strap.  Her section is next and 17/18 Years presentations are now.

Dodgy internet connection, stuffed shoes - no stress......