Sunday 10 June 2012

Feis update

The auditorium is beginning to fill with the 18, 19 and 20 Years groups who, as old hands at this process, are relaxed and enjoying the set dances of the Under 16 Years.  One hopes that they will be less relaxed when called to marshalling, ChaosCentral has noticed that, as the age groups increase, the competitors tend to amble towards marshalling, often earning a hurry-up from the announcer.  Of course this group will be much better at time management......maybe :)

And should any person with any authority or clout within Optus be reading, you should be deeply ashamed of the level of signal, its quality and variability at this venue.  Over the past three years it has improved from atrocious to shocking - are you really trying to pretend that you are a serious telecommunications company?  Feel free to contact us to explain why three different SIMS in three different devices all have signal strength/quality that is barely usable...

The Under 17 Years set dances will start in a few minutes.