Sunday 10 June 2012

Feis update

So, exciting times all round with technology, both for ChaosCentral and for the feis organisers.  Beginning to think that the Imperial War Artists had the right idea - sketch the outline, paint it later and people can see it about three to five years after the event :)  Sometimes we wonder if the technology is out to get us and then - later - we realise that it is!

This morning started well, with MarshallingCam throwing a hissy fit and not wanting to be part of my private network.  Just took its marbles and left.  Rebooting changed its attitude, but it is still petulant.  whilst that was happening, I opened the case carrying the technology giblets and one of them fell, from the balcony that we occupy over a walkway, onto the floor, only just narrowly missing a passing teacher who must now thing that we are out to get her - honestly, it was an accident!

So with the marks being tallied by hand out the back (fresh papyrus needed urgently), the sound levels varying a touch causing Sean some entertainment (?) and ChaosCentral's exhibition of post-modern photography (the uploaded photos from yesterday were corrupted in upload - how that happened is still the subject of a hunting party), it has been an interesting day....

Stay tuned for dancing information, such as "the Under 16 Years are still doing their soft shoe round, to be followed by the Under 17 Years soon" :)