Saturday, 26 June 2010

Welcome to the Fisher's Ghost Feis

What a fantastic morning we have for the first day of competition!!  It is a cool, crisp Sydney winter morning (that is code for freezing cold with showers), but here at St Gregory's College, it is warm and dry, the stage is set, the adjudicator is on her way - AND - we are at the home of chocolate crackles!!!!

Today's schedule is projected to be as follows:

0830-1000 - 7 & 8 Years
1000-1200 - 3, 4, 5 & 6 Years
Lunch and chocolate crackle break
1300-1530 - 9 & 10 Years
1530-1900 - 15 Years & Over

The adjudicator for this feis is Cheryl Young ADCRG.