Saturday, 13 March 2010

Welcome to the Tara Feis

And what a wonderful day it is in Canberra. Spare a thought for the Canberra parents and dancers who travel to Sydney, and the effort they go through to compete. This morning I arose at 5AM, had a gourmet drive-through coffee at MacDonalds and then motored to Canberra, arriving at 0845, just in time to setup for today. Dancing will start at 0930.

Now, contrary to popular but misguided belief, I don't need to tan my legs, get into a wig and dress and do make-up, just to be at the Feis ready to go for the first section. What time must parents and dancers have to get up and get ready if they are from Canberra, competing first-up in Sydney? That *really* demonstrates commitment to ID.

The will probably be no LiveCam today as the signal strength at the feis is so low that I am luck to get online at all. You will just have to put up with my comments I'm afraid!

Today's adjudicator is Mrs Jan Currie ADCRG, and dancing will commence at 0930 with the 9, 10, 11 & 12 years sections. After Lunch the 13 years and over will compete.