Sunday 22 May 2016

Welcome to the 2016 Hills Feis

An unseasonable warm autumn day greets us at the Roselea Community Centre at Carlingford, nestled between golf courses, high schools and the M1/M2 construction zone!

The hall is quite full but also warm and inviting, there is plenty of seating but parking could prove to be fun in the changeover times between sections; please be patient and remember that everyone will (eventually) get a space :)

Today's competition is very full and we look forward to exciting competition.

Our adjudicator is Bernadette Whelan ADCRG (NSW) and music is by e/i Device :)

The proposed timetable is:

0800-1000 7 & 8 Years
1000-1300 9 & 10 Years
1300-1415 6 Years & Under
1415-1600 11 & 12 Years
1600-1800 13 & 14 Years
1800-whenever 15 Years & Over

Sty tuned for more updates!