Saturday 14 July 2012

Feis update

For any NZ teachers
We have been reliably informed (code for "We were told to say") that the Doyle dancers (or at least one of them) have practiced and warmed up.  Although to us, it looked a lot like listening to music and chatting with friends whilst trying to make up new steps....whilst chatting with friends.

Things we hear
Whilst preparing a cup of tea and discussing the merits of adding rum rather than milk (whiskey with coffee; similar rules for breakfast - rum with eggs, whiskey with cornflakes...all lessons from misspent military associations), we also overheard an interesting discussion on the relative merits of certain set dances.

It was generally agreed by the group that The Hunt was something to be played at a funeral, evidence of which was some younger dancers using that music for the funeral in the back garden of a frog of their acquaintance.

Feis update
9 Years set dances have just finished.  10 Years appear to be side-stage and should start soon.  A rough calculation suggests that we are still running approximately 90 minutes late.