Sunday, 15 July 2012

14 Years Premiership now doing their first dance

Technology Update
We think we have the hang of getting a (relatively) stable BackstageCam, but we can't provide sound to go with it as the people backstage would like some privacy.  If we can figure out how to run an alternate audio source to go with the video stream, dear viewers will be the first to know :)

Environmental Update
The venue for the feis, St Gregory's College, is situated in West Campbelltown which means it is on the top of a hill with a fine view of Narellan, the Blue Mountains and places south-west.  A Catholic boarding school for boys, it provides excellent facilities for sport, education and other care.  It also has a magnificent swimming pool with diving area.  Upon enquiry as to its use in winter, specifically about heating, we were informed that it does indeed have solar heating.  That is, whatever sunshine exists keeps the water from freezing :)

We would not like to have a dip in that pool until, say......November :)  On the other hand, Kiwis may find it quite mild....