Saturday 27 August 2011

Welcome to the Southern Cross Feis

Sydney has awoken to a thick blanket of fog, shrouding the natural beauty of the landscape but teasing us with better things to come.  Spring has sprung and we are looking forward to a warm and sunny day.

The feis is getting under way soon, and we are looking forward to a weekend of fine dancing.  This is the 33rd year that this feis has run and there are many famous names on the perpetual trophies.

Our adjudicator is Mary McElroy ADCRG Dublin, Ireland.

Music is by - computer - not iPod!

The timetable is as follows:

0930 9 yrs Premiership
1000 10 yrs Premiership
1115  7 & 8 yrs Premiership
1230 Prizes
1330 13 & 14 yrs Premierships
1500 15 & Over Premierships
1800 approx Prizes

0900 2,3,4,5,6,7 & 8 yrs Beginners, Primary and Elementary sections
1000 9,10,11 & over Beginners, Primary and Elementary sections
1130 11 & 12 years premierships
1200 noon Prizes for beginners, primary and elementary
1245 11 & 12 years sets
1330 Prizes 11 and 12 Premierships/Lunch