We are at Daramalan College in Dickson, ACT, for the first feis of the year for ChaosCentral.
Whilst most normal people were resting, ChaosCentral was as busy as a politician realising that the election is next week, and suddenly doing things to look busy. So, we have made some changes around here.
Firstly, LiveCommentary is now available at the address livecommentary.swoose.net, it will also work at the old address.
Secondly, LiveCam is now at http://www.livestream.com/australianirishdancing and will hopefully be rid of the inappropriate ads that came with the other service provider.
And finally, there will be guest commentators at ChoasCentral this year, possibly in other states as well!
So, on to the feis.
The adjudicator for today is Brendan Tiernan ADCRG, resplendent in stripes on the marking podium :)
There are 85 sections today, with variable numbers and as they are too numerous, and as ChaosCentral can't touch type (!), we will bring you highlights as we can.