Sunday, 5 September 2010
Under 13 Sections...
In section 7, 11 teams in the Under 13 Years Four Hand Girls are competing for the AIDA Trophy.
In section 8, four teams in the Under 13 Four Hand Mixed are competing for the McCabe Family Trophy donated by Alison Creighton TCRG.
In section 9, one team in the Under 13 Eight Hand Girls is competing for the Ken Halloran Memorial Trophy, donated by Donna & Leanne Halloran ADCRG.
In section 10, four teams in the Under 13 Eight Hand Mixed are competing for the Harry McCaffrey Memorial Trophy donated by Helen Conway.
In section 11, seven teams in the Under 13 Own Choice 3 Hand Girls are competing for the AIDA Teachers Trophy.
In section 12, three teams in the Under 13 Own Choice 3 Hand Mixed are competing for the Bridgette & Troy Agar Trophy donated by Charmaine May ADCRG.
In section 13, two teams in the Under 13 Junior Figure are competing for the Bridie O'Brien Memorial Trophy donated by the O'Brien Family.