Sunday 2 October 2011

And that wraps up the Nationals

Another amazingly successful competition, with emotional highs and lows, fantastic dancing, amazing musicians and - best of all - it ran on-time or early every day!

We have seen the introduction of IDTV and hopefully it will continue and grow over time, we have experienced the wonderful warmth and friendship of QLD and dancers from all over Australia.

LiveCommentary and LiveCam could not be done by an individual, it was made with the assistance of:
  • PRODUCER: Conor Ayres
  • PRESENTERS: Sinead Watkins, Brianna Travers, Niamh Champion, Bianca Nicholls and Jacqui Schweive
And to AIDA Australia, without who's support (and permission!) this production would not be possible, many thanks and my deepest gratitude.

Presentation photos, Dance of Champions and Ceili photos will be online at some time, after we ceremoniously destroy the ChaosCentral production suite :)